Your New Home Walk Thru is one of the most important events of the new home experience. This meeting will include instruction and information on the operation of your new home. Given that this meeting is quite informative and thorough we ask that you block out 1 hour of time.  Walk thrus are conducted Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 3:00pm only. You as the Buyer's will need to make the necessary arrangements to make a scheduled walk thru within the time frame listed. This meeting should be scheduled with our office at 735-1145 ext. 225 and it is recommended that you scheduled this walk thru well in advance of settlement in order to secure a time that best works for you. Please do not ask us to change this date and time once it has been scheduled.


Because we are very concerned about your satisfaction, we ask you allow the minimum time we are requesting, insufficient time will not allow us to properly conduct the New Home Walk Thru.  The builder may not take action on future requests for warranty service based on your failure to allow the requested time to conduct the New Home Walk Thru.  Please be prompt to your scheduled time as yours is probably not the only walk thru scheduled for that day. This meeting is designed for the Homeowner(s) only; the person(s) listed on the original Agreement of Sale and your buyer’s agent if one. Even though you may be excited to invite friends, parents and others to your new home, this meeting should only be attended by you, the homeowners. If possible children and pets should not attend.


Finally, you will be asked to sign a Final Inspection Report (punch list) that will document any defects that are identified at this meeting. If any cosmetic defects are identified they will be scheduled for immediate correction.  Any problems that may occur after this meeting will be forwarded to the Warranty Request System that the builder provides.




 Revised 4/11/08