Upon settlement of your new home on lot # ______ in ASBURY PINES, you will become a member of the ASBURY PINES Homeowners Association. As a member you will pay a one time $200.00 origination fee, and $100.00 a year as long as you own the property. The origination fee and the a pro-rated current year fee will be collected at your settlement. The yearly fee is due on January 1st of each year thereafter. The fee supports the maintenance of the storm water basin and easement that exists in the community. Please keep in mind, however, that this is a new community, therefore this cost and the Declarations and Covenants may be subject to change in the future. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact your attorney or real estate advisor.
I/We have received, read and accepted a copy of the deed restrictions and by-laws and from this date forward accept responsibility for the knowledge of its contents.
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Witness Buyer Date
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Witness Buyer Date
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Lot # and Street Address Approximate Settlement Date