Raspberry Hill Commons

Homeowners Association Meeting

Saturday, October 28, 2006




President Craig Hasson called the meeting to order at 9:00am.  He then turned the meeting over to Vice-President, Mark Will


First order of business was to approve the minutes from the last meeting.  Roy Hagen motioned to approve the minutes.  Craig Hasson seconded.  Motion carried.


It was determined by the number of homeowners attending and the number of votes they represented, that a voting quorum was present.


Craig Hasson made the announcement that he wished to step down from his position on the Board.  Roy Hagen was nominated to serve as the new President.


Roy Hagen made the motion to elect another homeowner to the Board.  No one opposed.  David Gwinn was nominated to serve on the Board as Vice-President.


President – Roy Hagen

Vice President – David Gwinn

General Board Member – Mark Will


Mark Will made a motion to approve the new Executive Board.  David Gwinn seconded.  Motion carried.


A motion was made to establish various committees within the Association and the following homeowners agreed to serve on such committees:


Audit/Architectural Review Committee Snow & Mow/Common Area Committee


Roy Hagen                                                       Gary Terriman

Tom Chercon                                                   Donna Shipp                                                   


A motion was made by Roy Hagen to have a letter sent to all homeowners requesting their participation on the committees.  Motioned seconded.  Carried.


The Snow & Mow committee will be seeking quotes from contractors for this winter’s snow removal and next years mowing service.


Roy Hagen motioned that any and all correspondence should be sent through the US mail.  Motion seconded.  Carried.  It was also motioned that all correspondence should be mailed to both homeowner and tenant if such applies. Motion seconded.  Carried.


Discussion took place concerning the number of units currently being rented out.   There was concern that we have exceeded the 30% allowable rentals as stated in the Declaration.


It was suggested that we prepare a letter to be sent to all homeowners stating that we are currently over our limit in number of allowable rental units.  Any units currently rented or advertised for rent will be “grandfathered in”; however, in moving forward it will be necessary to get approval from the Board prior to renting.  Jeff Kurtz motioned that we have an Attorney prepare the letter.   Roy Hagen seconded.  Motion carried.


A post office box will be rented by the Association to receive any and all HOA correspondence.  It was suggested that we may be able to utilize one of the unused boxes in the cluster stands.


Information and forms pertaining to the RHC HOA will be posted on the www.markwillteam.com website.  Click on Raspberry Hill Commons, and then click on HOA.  


Open Forum


The following items were discussed:


·        Plans for completion of development

·        Street cleaning and dumpster issues

·        Retention pond

·        Fence around detention pond

·        Trees


It was suggested that the Board write a letter to the Developer – Lititz Landholdings, LLC with reference to the above issues.


Meeting adjourned at 11:00am.